Few things are as relaxing as a professional deep tissue massage in Loveland, CO. If you’re looking to stimulate your muscles, relax your mind and restore your vitality, let Front Range Therapeutic Massage provide you with a tailored massage that’s designed specifically to help you release stress and alleviate pain. We offer a number of specialized massage modalities, including:
Couple’s Massage
One hour massage for two. MUST be booked in advance. Relaxing massage done in the comfort of one’s home or in the office. We use all organic lotions and oils to help you relax with your significant other.
Deep Tissue Massage
One hour massage. Lighter pressure and organic oils/lotions used at the beginning of massage to help loosen and prepare the muscles for deep gliding pressure. You may experience some stiffness or soreness after this massage, which is perfectly normal and should subside within a day or two.
$100.00 in office massage | $120.00 in home massage
Foot Massages
30 minute massage. Excellent gift for those who work on their feet all day! This massage can help improve circulation and reduce swelling. The use of organic oils and lotions helps enhance this experience.
$30 in office massage | $35 in home massage
Hand Massages
30 minute massage. Excellent for those with carpal tunnel or who use their hands for work. This delicate massage can help improve circulation to your hands and improve finger and wrist range of motion.
$30 in office massage | $35 in home massage
Hot Stone Massages
One hour massage. One hour of set-up, breakdown, and hot stone heating. Direct heat helps relax muscles, allowing access to deeper muscle layer. Hot stone massages can help relieve pain, decrease muscle spasms, and reduce chronic stress or tension. This massage combines the heat of the stones with a customized massage to ensure your fullest relaxation.
$125.00 in office massage | $145.00 in home massage( 2 hour minimum, includes set-up and breakdown of equipment)
One hour massage. This massage is given while expecting mother is lying on her side or semi reclined. Organic oils and lotions are used to help relax the changing and stretching muscles. This massage may result in benefits including: relief of back and leg pain, improved sleep, reduced swelling, decreased sciatic pain, and more.
$100.00 in office massage | $120.00 in home massage
One hour treatment. This is the use of appropriate pressure on certain parts of the body to help alleviate many symptoms or issues including but not limited to: anxiety, asthma, headaches, sinusitis, etc.
$30 in office massage | $35 in home massage
Sport Injury Massages
One hour massage. Excellent for athlete who are recently or previously recovering from an injury. Typically applied after a sprain or strain, this massage can also be used to help prevent injuries as a part of regular workout routine to assist in conditioning the muscles.
$100.00 in office massage | $129.00 in home massage
Swedish Massage
One hour massage. One of the most well known massages. The goal of this massage is to relax the entire body using long, smooth strokes. The benefits of this massage include increased oxygen in the blood, decreased toxins in the muscles, and improved circulation.
$100.00 in office massage | $120.00 in home massage
Trauma Massage
One hour massage. Gentle touch and organic lotions/oils used to help heal after a trauma. Often beneficial for those who may suffer from PTSD.
$100.00 in office massage | $120.00 in home massage
For sports injury massages and prenatal massage in Loveland, CO, we’ll ask you a series of questions to make sure we’re delivering the best possible massage and targeted relief, without putting your body through undue stress.
*Please note that all couples massages must be pre-booked. We’re unable to accommodate couples massages without advance notice. Thank you!
Mobile Massage
Looking for the relaxing, calming, soothing feeling of a great massage in the comfort of your own home? We offer mobile massage therapy in Loveland, CO! We’ll be glad to schedule an appointment in the privacy and comfort of your home, where we can set up and deliver a massage that’s enjoyable and relaxing for you.
If you have any questions about our pricing or any of the massage styles we specialize in, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at 970-581-1567. We’ll be glad to provide you with any information you might need or help you book your next appointment with us.